Monday, 4 April 2016

Current Episode - The Aspiunov Incursion - Part 1

Note:  Please record all Battle Report information relevant to this Episode in the comments of this post below.  Don't forget to include the factions taking part and the result (include more details and links too if possible).
Please only report results of battles that adhere to the current scenario

The Aspiunov Incursion - Part 1

This is a sample episode to illustrate the idea of Episodes.
Aspiunov is a System currently held by the Ghar.  The Ghar Empire have amassed a quantity of Battle Groups with the intent to launch a series of disruptive raids in the vicinity.  Although the worlds in the system are lost to the rest of humanity, ravaged by the current hosts, the goal is to deteriorate the Ghar ability to strike.

Some factions (notably the Algoryn) see this as an opportunity to gather more information about the size and dispositions of the Ghar forces.  If the Algoryn are either the most or second most successful faction in this Episode, they will gain DOUBLE influence that they would normally receive.  However, if they are the least successful, they will halve their current total influence.

Influence on offer for this Episode to be allocated to the Aspiunov Gate System:

Outpost Strike
Play the Scenario on page 155 of the Rulebook.
Points Value for each side: 500 points.
Ghar will always be defending the outposts. 
Battles that do not invole Ghar are valid, assign attackers and defenders as normal. The defenders have already cleared out the Ghar and the attackers want the information located there.

Variation to the Rulebook:
Outcast units (that is units with the Outcast Special Rule) do NOT count towards the MAXIMUM number of units permitted in the Force Selector.
Therefore a Ghar force could have 1 Battle Suit unit and a bunch of Outcast Units - not limited to just 2 other Tactical choices.

This world currently has nothing growing on it.  It is essentially a dead world.  There are lots of rubble, boulder fields, ruins and cratered ground.  Please use this style of terrain if possible. 
The limitations of personal collections may prohibit this, so if unable to use the above then that is fine.

Part 2 of this episode will be available shortly.

Once the Episode is complete, it will be combined and moved to an Episode Archive page, along with the battle reports and links.
However, get your Fartock Batle Suit figures painted.  He will be making an appearance in Part 2 as a "free" unit for the Ghar (costs no points to include in the Ghar force, so long as you own the figure and it is painted).

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