Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Game Cycle End

So far this lingering campaign shows the initial set up with control of the Antaren Gates being distributed:
Faction Gates Controlled Rank
Algoryn 11 3
Boromite 11 3
Concord 15 1
Freeborn 11 3
Ghar 11 3
Isorian 15 1
As at 04/04/2016 17:30

Several Battle Reports have been harvested from various websites and social media, including:

These results of which have been added to the master excel file to provide the following information:
System Level Winning Faction Losing Faction
Oynope 1000 Algoryn Ghar
Caal 1500 Ghar Freeborn
Oynope 1000 Concord Algoryn
Goplapus Ghar Concord
Oynope 500 Algoryn Concord
Zawhippe 1000 Concord Boromite
Shodalia 500 Freeborn Concord
Flarvis 750 Ghar Concord
Rochuystea 500 Boromite Concord
Katurn 500 Ghar Concord
Specotania 1300 Ghar Concord

I have randomly allocated the Systems in which the battle took place.
These battle results now changes the number of systems controlled by a small amount:

Faction Gates Controlled Rank
Algoryn 10 4
Boromite 9 6
Concord 14 2
Freeborn 10 4
Ghar 15 1
Isorian 14 2
As at 27/04/2016 19:21

All but the Ghar have lost control of systems.  Probably due to the massive number of games involving Ghar and the number of victories for them.
The poor Boromites have fared the worst, although winning and losing one, by not having enough games overall and influence being lost in systems where no battles were had, they slip down the rankings.  So come on people, grab your mass compactor and crush some battle suited Ghar!

Then as because these battles have been recorded, they are archived and a new Game Cycle starts.

Obviously, the key to not losing influence in a system is to have a battle in that system.  And that only happens if the battle reports include the name of the system in them, otherwise it is up to the excel formula "=randbetwen(1,54) to determine which system is allocated the battle.

This is a long slow campaign, not to be hosted on a blog, so once I have more skills in html etc I aim to be able to host a dedicated site to furthering the recording of everyone's Beyond The Gates Of Antares battles, should they wish to have them recorded.
It is rather time consuming to gather the battle reports, so any battle report links added to comment sections in the relevant page would be mostly appreciated, and there is also the list of System Gates being fought over.

The other, more dynamic part of the campaign involves the Aspiunov system gate.  Where the Ghar are protecting their information.  This would be updated monthly and be over a shorter period of time.  The "part 2" will include the next mission, attempted assassination of Fartock!  Where Ghar players with a painted Fartock figure (in Battle Suit) would get to use him for free (no points cost).
No Fartock?  Then the assassination attempt is on another high ranking Ghar, one with the highest "Leader" attribute.

So a back drop of long slow burn campaign matched with the excitement of dynamic episodic storylines.

Until the next game cycle!!

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