Monday, 4 April 2016

Gate System Status

List of all the System Gates and total amount of influence

System Name Algoryn Influence Boromite Influence Concord Influence

Freeborn Influence Ghar Influence Isorian Influence
Alratt 9 6 9 9 10 6
Aslov 5 7 6 9 6 9
Aspiunov 8 8 6 9 10 6
Bestagua 5 9 9 6 9 5
Brost 5 5 9 9 5 9
Caal 6 10 7 9 5 5
Coclypso 5 5 9 8 9 5
Daskouphus 7 6 7 7 9 7
Drov 7 8 6 5 5 10
Egrars 5 7 11 6 9 9
Fadromia 6 5 11 10 9 9
Flarvis 8 8 8 9 5 6
Frabazuno 8 10 9 5 6 6
Glufeyama 9 10 11 5 6 5
Goplapus 6 6 9 9 9 10
Grufalia 8 7 6 7 7 6
Grypso 9 7 8 8 9 7
Guswilles 5 8 7 6 10 9
Haypra 7 9 10 8 9 5
Iopleihines 5 9 9 5 5 10
Katurn 8 5 7 5 7 7
Losmuarilia 8 9 9 10 9 9
Naetera 9 10 8 8 6 6
Neytune 9 10 9 8 5 6
Noutis 10 8 10 6 8 10
Obraeter 9 8 7 7 5 7
Oskounerth 8 7 10 5 8 6
Oynope 9 10 9 6 8 5
Pascarth 10 8 7 10 7 10
Plonoe 7 5 8 9 6 6
Prabunides 10 6 8 7 9 9
Rochuystea 6 9 11 8 9 10
Rustronoe 8 7 6 5 10 8
Scabotune 5 7 7 6 9 10
Sciuq 6 7 7 7 10 5
Shodalia 9 7 6 8 6 6
Skiea 8 6 8 10 7 9
Slabustea 5 7 7 7 5 7
Smurn 6 7 8 6 8 9
Specotania 8 5 8 10 10 9
Strodamia 6 10 10 9 9 8
Strufecury 10 7 7 8 5 10
Suorilia 6 5 9 10 8 9
Teclaulia 9 8 9 5 10 9
Testreilea 8 6 7 5 7 6
Thone 9 6 6 8 7 9
Trion 7 6 9 5 9 10
Votune 6 7 6 10 8 10
Wheon 7 10 9 6 7 10
Xuyyama 5 8 10 8 9 5
Zawhippe 9 10 10 8 9 6
Ziymia 8 10 9 8 5 9
Zutriyvis 6 6 8 7 7 6
As at 04/04/2016 19:48

Influence change each Game Cycle:

By participating in Antares battles and recording the results elsewhere on this blog, the factions will slowly start to build influence on each Gate System.

For each individual system, the faction that has the most amount of net victories (that is wins minus losses) is ranked first, and that faction receives an influence gain of 5 in that Gate System.  Faction with second most amount of net victories receives an influence gain of 3 in that Gate System.  The faction with the least number of net victories suffers an influence loss of 3 in that Gate System. 
If a faction records no battles in a system during the game cycle, that faction loses 5 influence in that Gate System.

Players can vote to receive boosts in up to five Gate Systems each game cycle. The amount of influence gained (or lost) is doubled.  The vote is taken once each game cycle and results of the vote take effect from the next game cycle for one game cycle.

The faction that controls the most System Gates (highest amount of influence in more systems than other factions) receives boost to influence each Game Cycle.

Successes in Episodes, short term mini-campaigns within a campaign reward factions with additional influence for the Gate System that the Episode takes place in.

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